A group that I serve from our local church had the opportunity to go and serve the people of OKC again last week. It's always a privilege to serve others. Especially when you know you're meeting the real life needs of others. Even the most basic of needs of food, water, clothing make a difference in the lives of others.
The reality is that the people that we serve, those that we help, they can go anywhere and get food. There are fine people that work at Rescue Missions, Jesus Houses, government agencies and food kitchens that can make themselves available to help others. But there is a difference in government agencies and the local church. There is something that we can give that the government agency can not.
The Gospel.
The life saving, bread giving, thirst quenching message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The message that God saves sinners. And anytime you're dealing with a human being, you're dealing with a sinner.
So when Christians have the opportunity to go and serve others, and in this case, serve those that are extremely less fortunate and most of them actually homeless and car-less, you better be jumping at the chance to take action. The bad news is when you DON'T jump at the chance help serve others.
Jesus said "Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me."
Did you see that? If you don't do it for those around you and those who are in need, then it's just as if you're not doing it for Jesus Himself.
So whats the solution? Just be a Christian. Because serving others IS what Christianity is all about. The greatest need in the world today is for Christians to live like Christians. Nothing more, nothing less. And here's what's exciting. It's not guess work. It's not about trying hard. It's not about being religious. God gives us a very clear picture of what He wants for our lives in Romans 12. Once we understand that chapter and how it correlates to our own lives, then we'll understand the big picture, that of serving others.
We can give people what they need. We can house them. Feed them. Cloth them. But its the Gospel that is important. That's the one thing that we can give them that government agencies can't.
That's why Christians should jump at the chance to serve others.
My prayer is that others will get involved with their own local church ministry teams of service.
You wanna see a changed world? It starts with us, Christian.
Get up. Get out. Share your faith.
Time is, oh, such a precious commodity. A very precious commodity.
"Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a
vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." ~James 4:14
James 4:14 is reality and not a game. Do not forget that.
It's the ONLY reason why we're here.
The ministry of Sidewalk Outreach is committed to sharing the Gospel of Christ with all people outside the walls and beyond the doors of the local church. Through actual street evangelism, open-air preaching, church training, and pod-casting, our primary task is that someone who would have never known Christ will repent of their sins, put their faith in Christ, and surrender to Him as their Savior and Lord. The goal is to see people all over the world come to Jesus in these days here on earth.
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